The brutal killing of civillians in Eth. today has no comparison. Even the Hitler genocide cannot comprehend to the extent of brutal torture and the amount of killings against the Oromo people since november 2015. Where as the EU and UN as well as the US are just giving lip service.
Instead of standing with the people, they pump in financial aid to the dictator in Ethiopia and the TPLF use the money to buy more weapons to use it against the people.
The minority Tigrayan group is killing the Oromos and other people in the country and try to ignite conflict among the ethnic groups in Ethiopia. The extent of the killing by the military in Eth. has no comparison in history of man kind.
The minority Tigrayan group is killing the Oromos and other people in the country and try to ignite conflict among the ethnic groups in Ethiopia. The extent of the killing by the military in Eth. has no comparison in history of man kind.
Just in front of the international community - Genocide is taking place.
Only on Irrecha feiring on the 2nd of October 2016 in Bishoftu, more than thousand Oromos were killed by TPLF military on the spot.
The UN, the EU and US will come out and shout may be inext year after millions are killed. That is what they wait for and used to.
Assessing the incident of the last one year, the people of Ethiopia should organise and protect itself.
Only on Irrecha feiring on the 2nd of October 2016 in Bishoftu, more than thousand Oromos were killed by TPLF military on the spot.
The UN, the EU and US will come out and shout may be inext year after millions are killed. That is what they wait for and used to.
Assessing the incident of the last one year, the people of Ethiopia should organise and protect itself.
Dear the oromo and other Ethiopian people, we can say for sure that no world order, no humanity, no UN, no EU, no US, no African union...only getting organised and power can protect you! You have only yourself!