Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ofittummaa namoota muraasaatif sabni keenya dhumaa jira!

Yeroo hedduu Oromoon maal dhabe. Qabeenya qabaa, heddumina namaa, beekumsa fi gootummaa waan dhabe hinqabu jennee dubbanna.
Haqa tokkotu jira garuu. Qabeenyi, beekumsi, heddumminni, gootummaan kan walitti hindhufin, irree tokko hinta'in bu'aa tokkollee hinqabu.
Hara kan jecha xiqqoo jechuu fedhu tokkummaa, tokkummaa, tokkummaa jennee wal ifachiifne kana irra deebi'ufii miti.

Tokkummaa san maaltu nu dhoowwee?

Namoonni muraasni ofiifis of moggaasanii haata'u garee siyaasaa ykn dhaaba tokkootin moggaafamanii ana malee tokkollee mul'achuu hinqabu, hojiin ani keessa hinjirre hinta'u jechuun dumaatii saba keenyatiif sababa. Akka walitti dhufnee humna hintaane diinatu nu dhoowwee miti. Kan walitti dhufuu nu dhoowwe gareen akka walitti dhufee hinhojjenne kan nu taasise ofittummaa namoota muraasaa qofa.
Gaafa oromoon walitti ba'ee humna tokko ta'e bakkan dhaba isa jedhurraa ka'uudhan waan socha'u maraa dura dhaabbatanii sabni keenya yoo dhumu teenyee laalla.

Osoo yeroo xiqqoodhaf ofittummaa kanarraa of qusatanii sabni keenya akka walitti dhufu godhanii guyyaa muraasa keessatti dolara miliyoona walitti buusuu dandeenya, dargaggoon keenya alaa fi keessaa hiriiruu danda'a. Diinni dura dhabbachuu hindanda'u, sagaleedhan baqata.

Ofittummaa namoota muraasaa kanas kan goobsee nurra tursiise warra gareedhan warra kana duuba dhababatanii jabeessani.

yaa waaq ofitummaa namoota muraasaa kana nurraa buqqisi, akka sabni keenya walitti dhufee daangaa malee walijaaree diina isaa buqqisuuf nu gargaari!

har'aaf tanumaan nagaan!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

We can make change and have responsibility

It has been a while since many raised a concern about the importance of unity for Oromo diaspora, especially a unity for the struggle.
Our youth back home, in Oromia, are paying an ultimatum sacrifice for freedom. They are paying their lives. But we, the diaspora either do not feel that we have responsibility or we undermine our capacity to make a change.

A simple action by a group of Oromos mean much for the youth back home. Our unity gives them strength. It gives them moral support and above all give them hope.

We can make change
We should also think that coming together we have a power. We have a power to push for a unity. If we do not support the dividing group, they can’t manage to divide us. If we pressure them to come together, we can bring them together. It is our wrong support that can divide us.

We can organize ourselves and support our people back home economically.
 A simple calculation can show that today there hundreds of thousands of Oromos in abroad. If everyone gives one dollar a day, we can collect millions of dollars in one month which can bring a big change.
We can start our nationhood structure and develop our culture, economy and society.

Everyone has a responsibility
Have we ever thought that everyone have responsibility? If we do not act now and do what we can today, we are all responsible for the future of our country. History can judge us if we do nothing or if we are on the wrong side of history. Sitting and waiting for others to act and just blame when they act is a national crime.

We in abroad have a huge possibility to come together, discuss and act on our current situation. If we don’t act and wish for other to do so, it just cheating ourselves. We can make change if we act and we have the responsibility to act. We have to stand together and say no to any dividing group and support any entity contributing towards our unity and nationhood.

So, do not wait for tomorrow, talk to your neighbors and start a work today. Our nation needs everyone and everyone has a responsibility.

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