Friday, December 16, 2016

OFC deserves attention!

The take of the weekend - OFC deserves attention!
We observe that the western countries which have interest in Ethiopia usually blames the opposition for not being serious and well organised. Some often mentions that there is no seious opposition political party to deal with. They magnify the weakness of opposition parties deliberating mainaly on political parties based in abroad.
As far as Oromo political parties are concerned, we have a solid polical party in Ethiopia, Oromo Federalist Congress which showed strong leadership. The leaders showed their strength and dedication by not running from resposiblity, stand detamined and get arrested. Marara Gudina and Bekele Garba are good examples of leadership who stand with their people even if they could go to abroad and seek asylum like many did.

TPLF have detained the leadership and executive members as well as members of the party to just weaken it. OFC still showed the right leadership, stand strong with the struggle of the people.
My question is then, why the West, EU and US blame the weakness of opposition party and lack of seriousness while there exists a party, registered and within the constution, is standing and struggling peacefully? Why we only see the weakness of political parties based in abroad and blame lack of serious opposition parties?

I think Oromo elites also should wake up and give reconition to OFC and support what they are doing. The leaders of OFC are paying ultimate sacrifice in the struggle for freedom.

We have to show the west that the leadership is back home and working with the people. If they are serious about helping in bringing peace to the country, there is a responsible and well organised party and they sould deal with it.

To our political parties based in abroad, learn a lesson from OFC and be among your people and for your people and not stand against everything moving.

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